We have been using our Hozelock Bokashi Composter for the last 2 months and we are really enjoying it. We love the fact that we are saving our kitchen waste from going to landfill. Instead it’s being turned into great compost and fertiliser for our plants.
It uses a mixture of bran and effective microorganisms, which acts as an activator and composts all biological kitchen waste. Not only can you put vegetable waste in, but also meat, fish & diary too. Within just 5 days it creates a liquid fertiliser and in 15-20 days you’ll have compost that can be dug straight into the ground where it quickly breaks down.
Below are some quick and easy steps on how to use your Bokashi Composter
Step 1 – Use 20ml of activator at the bottom of the bucket/drain tray
Step 2 – Cut your food waste into small pieces and pour into the bucket
Step 3 – Make sure the wood waste is well pushed down to avoid air pockets
Step 4 – On each layer of waste, pour in 20ml of the Bokashi activator
Step 5 – Make sure the lid is well sealed
Step 6 – Drain the liquid fertiliser every 3-5 days. Mix liquid is great for your plants and should be mixed 10ml to everyone 1 litre of water
Step 7- After 14 days the bucket of food waste can be emptied and mixed in with your flower beds, making great compost.
Check out our IGTV over on our Instagram Ridgeway_renovation if you want to watch how we use our Hozelock Bokashi Composter!
About the Author
We are Frankie & Connor from Ridgeway_renovation. We bought our home back in September 2018 and have been renovating it ever since. Our house is all finished now but we still have some work to do in the garden over the summer
We have loved spending time on our garden over the last 2 and a half years and we are gradually getting it to where we want it to be. When we first bought the house the garden was full of brambles, it’s taken a lot of time to get to where it is now and we still aren’t done yet!!
This summer we can’t wait to do the final touches to the garden. We still need to complete our garden path which will make a big difference. The grass is also in need of some TLC after the winter and owning 2 giant rabbits and a dog. We have sleepers to fit as well and we are hoping to plant some tall bushes/plants (that the rabbits won’t be able to get to)