When your garden is winding down for its winter rest there are still chores to do and ways to make the bleaker seasons more attractive. The end of the growing season signals the perfect time for a spot of routine maintenance of your garden and your tools for winter. Read our tips on how to prepare your garden for the winter months to make life a little easier and to help your garden through its dormant phase.

Winter Garden Tips
Autumn is the best time to start planting bare-root roses as the soil is still warm and the plants are dormant, this will ensure they are in full bloom when spring arrives. It is also prime time to plant tulips, forget-me-nots and winter pansies!
It’s important to keep on top of lawn growth throughout the autumn season as the grass will continue to grow in temperatures above 5 °C. Also, make sure you rake any fallen leaves as they can block out light and prevent air getting to your lawn, encouraging the spread of disease.
Be prepared for windy weather by tying your shrubs and climbers to their supports and trellises, this will help reduce the risk of damage to the plants. Now is also a great time to saw any thick stems back to just below the minimum optimum height, this will make maintenance far easier when spring comes back around.
Check the walls and fences for signs of wear and tear. This way you can repair any loose panels or holes. Also, if weather is on our side and we have a dry spell, secure the wobbly paving stones so they are ready for the family barbecues next Spring!
Make sure all garden furniture is stored under cover to protect it from the winter weather. Either move it into the garage or shed or cover it with a tough plastic protector securely fixed down.
This is a good time to tidy up the pond before the water gets too cold for you to handle, also think about putting netting over the pond to prevent debris from falling in.
Check all watering equipment for any damage that may have occurred during the summer, check out our Product Maintenance blog for guidance. This is also a good time to invest in new products or even get them on your Christmas wish list ready for next year!
Winter is also a good time to plan the garden for next year, time to register with seed companies and start to think about what you are going to grow in your vegetable patch!
Plants that flourished during the summer are well past their best now. The plants that only tend to last one season need to be dug up and thrown away.
On the plus side, winter isn’t all doom and gloom! Get outdoors and plant out winter bedding, such as ornamental cabbages, pansies, heathers and cyclamen – you’ll have some colour in no time!