Be Water Smart With Our NEW Solar Select

Be Water Smart With Our NEW Solar Select

Introducing Our New Product: The Solar Select

We’re thrilled to announce the launch of our latest product; the 100% autonomous Solar Select irrigation kit.

The Solar Select is an innovative solution designed for gardeners to easily water up to 20 plant pots and help reduce their water consumption.

In this blog post, we’ll share all the details about our new product and why we believe it can make a difference in your garden.

Gardeners often struggle with the need to constantly water their plants while trying to conserve water and worrying about their plants while on holiday.

The Solar Select Kit allows you to choose from 13 preset programs to automatically water your plants. It is compatible with rainwater collectors, enabling you to use rainwater for irrigation.

Additionally, the combination of the solar-powered timer and rechargeable batteries means you can go on holiday without any worries about watering your plants.

The Solar Select comes packed with features that make watering multiple plants easier than ever. Here are just a few key features:

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100% Solar-Powered, Fully Autonomous Timer

This system operates on solar energy and is equipped with three rechargeable batteries. This ensures consistent watering, even in low sunlight or during cloudy days.

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Compatible with Rainwater Harvesters

The Solar Select is designed for versatility and fully compatible with rainwater harvesters, like water butts. This ensures efficient and eco-friendly watering by utilising stored rainwater.


Manual and Delayed Watering Functions

Offers up to 20 minutes of on-demand watering, perfect for extra thirsty plants or during hotter weather. You can pause watering for 1, 3, or 5 days, making it easy to skip watering when rain is forecasted.

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20 Efficient Drippers

The kit includes 20 efficient drippers that provide precise water delivery directly to plant roots, minimising water waste.

Discover more information and benefits of the Solar Select on our website.

Solar Select FAQs:

Can I add more drippers?

It is possible to include up to 30 drippers, but you should keep them at roughly the same height and no more than 1m above the pump. Only use the same type of drippers that are supplied with the kits.

Is there a minimum number of drippers when I set up?

Yes, do not use less than 8 drippers in your complete system. This will ensure there is enough water flow through the pump to keep it running efficiently.

How do I clean the filter mesh?

Use a soft bristle brush. If possible, run the filter under running water and use a circular motion to brush off the dirt. Do not use any metal objects as it could rip the mesh.

Can I add more drippers?

We do not recommend this because the hose has internal friction, so increasing the length of the hose will cause the drippers to emit less water, in particular the drippers furthest away from the pump.

Does the controller need to be close to the water tank/butt?

No, the controller does not need to be very close to the water tank because you might need to position it so that it receives direct sunlight. However, the controller should not be more than 1m above the highest water level. When you first run the pump, it might take up to 2 minutes to fill the pipes with water and then the drippers will start to emit water.

Can I use the system indoors?

Yes, it is designed for indoor and outdoor use. Put the controller on a windowsill so that it receives bright direct sunlight to keep the batteries charged up.

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