July’s Gardening Tips – Your Monthly Checklist

July's Gardening Tips

July’s Gardening Tips Checklist is here! Our expert knowledge and advice will help your garden stay flourishing for the month.

Fruits & Vegetables

Harvesting & Pruning


Harvest Early Crops

July is the perfect month for harvesting early crops like strawberries, rhubarb, and various salad leaves.

Regularly picking these fresh produce items not only gives you fresh food but also promotes further growth.

  • Strawberries: Pick them as they ripen to enjoy their peak flavor and encourage more fruiting.
  • Rhubarb: Harvest by gently pulling the stalks from the base. Avoid taking more than half of the stalks to keep the plant healthy.
  • Salad Leaves: Regularly pick leaves from lettuce, rocket, and other salad greens to maintain continuous production.

Revitalise Your Vegetable Patch

Sow biennials like foxgloves and wallflowers for next year’s display.

Also, plant young vegetable plants like tomatoes, courgettes, and peppers.

Get Some Herbs On The Go

Plant herbs like basil, parsley, and cilantro in pots or garden beds.

These herbs grow quickly and can be harvested throughout summer.

Don’t Forget To Prune

Pruning is crucial for plant health and new growth. In July, focus on deadheading and shaping your plants.

Soil Care & Planting

Soil Care

7005 0000 - Easy Drip Universal Sprinkler

Healthy soil is the foundation of a thriving garden. July is crucial for ensuring your soil is in top condition.

  1. Weeding: Regularly remove weeds to prevent competition for nutrients and water. Use Hozelock’s Weeders to eliminate unwanted plants, then apply mulch to suppress weed growth and retain soil moisture.
  2. Feeding: Apply a balanced fertiliser to nutrient-hungry plants like tomatoes, roses, and flowering annuals. Organic options like compost, from our Bokashi Pure Kitchen Composter, or well-rotted manure are also beneficial.
  3. Irrigation: Water your garden early in the morning or late in the evening to minimise evaporation. If possible, install irrigation systems for consistent watering, especially for container plants.


July is an ideal month for planting a variety of flowers and vegetables.

Summer Bedding Plants: Plant annuals like petunias, marigolds, and begonias in borders and containers for a burst of colour.


Garden Maintenance


Get Those Pests Under Control

Pests can be particularly troublesome in July, so vigilant monitoring and control are necessary.

  • Aphids and Slugs: Check for common pests like aphids, slugs, and snails. Use organic methods, such as barriers and traps, or appropriate insecticides if necessary.
  • Beneficial Insects: Encourage beneficial insects like ladybirds and lacewings, which can help control pest populations naturally.
2810 - Growbag Waterer

Support Your Plants

Many plants need additional support as they grow taller and heavier with blooms and fruit.

  • Staking: Support tall plants like delphiniums and tomatoes with stakes or cages to prevent them from toppling over.
  • Tying In: Secure climbers like clematis and sweet peas to trellises or supports to guide their growth and prevent damage from wind.
Automatic Watering

Do Your General Upkeep

Regular maintenance tasks keep your garden looking its best and ensure plant health.

  • Pathways and Patios: Keep these areas clear of debris and weeds to maintain a tidy appearance and prevent slipping hazards.
  • Container Plants: Check pots and containers for signs of overcrowding. Repot if necessary to give roots more space to grow.
  • Tools: Clean and sharpen garden tools to keep them in good working condition and to make gardening tasks easier and more efficient.



Deadhead Where Necessary

Remove spent flowers from bedding plants, roses, and perennials to encourage further blooming and to prevent plants from setting seed.


Make The Hedges Look Presentable

Trim hedges to keep them neat and encourage dense growth. Ensure birds have finished nesting before you start cutting.


Prune Spring-Flowering Shrubs

Prune shrubs like lilac and forsythia after they finish flowering to maintain their shape and size.

Lawns, Ponds, & Wildlife

Lawn Care

Lawn Care

Your lawn needs regular attention to stay lush and green during the summer months.

  • Mowing: Mow regularly but avoid cutting the grass too short in hot, dry weather. Longer grass retains moisture better and provides some shade for the soil.
  • Feeding: Apply a summer lawn feed to promote healthy growth. If there’s a dry spell, water the lawn to keep it green and prevent it from going dormant.

Pond Maintenance

If you have a pond, July is a critical time to ensure it remains healthy and clear.

  • Algae Control: Warm weather can lead to algae blooms. Use barley straw extract or other Pond Treatments to keep algae in check.
  • Water Quality: Regularly check the water quality. Remove any debris such as fallen leaves and dead plant material to prevent them from decaying and affecting water quality. Hozelock has a range of Tidy Up Accessories and Nets to help with this.
  • Pond Plants: Ensure pond plants are not overcrowded. Thin out where necessary to maintain a balance and provide adequate oxygen levels for fish. You could also use one of our Air Pumps, ensuring a constant stream of oxygen all year round.
Pond Care

Wildlife Encouragement

Bird Baths

For The Birds

Bird Baths and Feeders: Keep bird baths clean and filled with fresh water. Regularly replenish bird feeders to support local bird populations.

Insect Hotel

For The Insects

Insect Hotels: Install insect hotels to provide habitats for beneficial insects like bees and ladybirds.


For The Hedgehogs

Hedgehog Homes: Place hedgehog homes or leave piles of logs and leaves in quiet corners to provide shelter for hedgehogs and other small mammals.

We hope you enjoyed reading about July’s Gardening Tips. If you’d like to get involved, drop us a comment below with what you’ve accomplished this month!

Or download Hozelock’s July’s Monthly Checklist; tick what you’ve done, cross off what you haven’t, and tag us on social media.

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